Abstracts of ICR Special Symposium : Japan and the World after 3.11

4 members’ abstracts of ICR Symposium: Japan and the World after 3.11 was uploaded.

The University of Tsukuba hosted the symposium titled “Japan and the World after 3.11” on September 28, 2014. Guest speakers were Professors Arthur (J.A.A.) Stockwin, Kiyoshi Kurokawa, and Makoto Iokibe. About 100 students, researchers, and professors participated in the event and generated insightful discussions. Professor Yutaka Tsujinaka, Director of the Institute for Comparative Research in Human and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba, served as chair. Professor Takafumi Ohtomo, Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba was coordinator.

Professor Kurokawa summary
Professor Iokibe summary
Professor Tsujinaka summary
Professor Stockwin summary