“Inheritance of Memory and Language” Kick Off Forum

We will be holding a kick off forum titled “Inheritance of Memory and Language” on Friday February 17.  We are looking forward for your participations!



“Inheritance of Memory and Language” Kick Off Forum

Holding Memories Common – Going Through Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Experiences-


Date: Friday February 17 10:00-17:30

Place: Humanities and Social Sciences Building A101


1) Hajime Sato (University of Tsukuba)

  “English Literatures in the Nuclear Age –Centered on Rintaro Fukuhara and Takashi Nozaki”


2) Hiroshi Takahashi (Yokohama National University) / Kenji Hasegawa (Yokohama National University) / Kunihiko Nagatani (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)

“Potentials and Challenges of Translators for the Globalization of the Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors


3)Saburo Aoki (University of Tsukuba)

“Nuclear or Nuclear Power? –Transmission and Selecting Words-”