The 6th DISC (Data, Innovation, Social Network & Convergence) 2021 Conference


The 6th DISC (Data, Innovation, Social Network & Convergence) 2021 Conference

Conference Dates: June 18 – 19, 2021 (JST)



Conference Organizers


Leslie Tkach-Kawasaki (University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan)

Manuela Hartwig (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan)

Han Woo Park (Yeungnam University, Daegu, Gyeong-san, South Korea)

Cyber Emotions Research Institute (YeungNam University, Daegu, Gyeong-san, South Korea)


About the Conference


We are pleased to announce that the 6th DISC (Data, Innovation, Social Network & Convergence) 2021 Conference will be organized as a completely ONLINE event to be held June 18-19, 2021 (JST) using Zoom.


Traditionally, DISC conferences have focused on evidence-based methodologies to analyze complex social interactions as a means of understanding social and technological change. We welcome research from a broad array of fields and are especially interested in comprehensive trans-disciplinary approaches that integrate Triple Helix (TH) studies with approaches such as webometrics, scientometrics, informetrics, datametrics, and technometrics (WSIDT). Applying these methods in turn to different academic fields such as policy and technology studies, business, communications, creative industries, sociology, information technology, and tourism can yield new insights (paradigms) in understanding social phenomena.


At this year’s conference, we want to simultaneously situate DISC’s traditional emphasis on TH and WSIDT and extend such trajectories to current global crises. First, the COVID-19 pandemic changes ways of working, learning, and living (“new normal”), which affects academic research, businesses, and cultures. Methods and applications of social research have to be reconsidered. Second, simultaneously, accelerating climate change threatens civilizations and world societies have to achieve net-zero carbon emissions within the next 30 years by 2050. These circumstances show that we are in dire need of systemic changes.


Ultimately, our goal for DISC 2021 is to discuss what motivates social systems to change and what kind of future systems we can expect to emerge out of these challenging times.


General Conference Tracks


Track 1 “Triple Helix and Webometrics”: Triple Helix (TH)  and Webometrics, Scientometrics, Informetrics, Datametrics, & Technometrics (WSIDT)


Track 2 “Applications of SNA to the Humanities and Social Sciences”: Applications of quantitative and qualitative social network analysis in humanities (including digital humanities), social sciences, and multi-disciplinary studies.


Track 3 “Asian Innovations in Social and Technological Change”: Identifying and discussing Asian approaches to social innovations and technological change with a focus on practices and applications.


Special Conference Tracks:

Special Track 1 “Networks and Societies in the Post-COVID-19 World”: Rethinking network analysis from qualitative and quantitative perspectives, and the future of social network research in the “new normal” post-COVID era.


Special Track 2 “The ‘Big Environment’ Era:  Realizing the 2030 SDGs and a Decarbonized World in 2050”: Stakeholders in the future net-zero carbon emissions society. What will the world in 2050 look like, and how will actor roles and relationships change?




For further inquiries, please contact the Conference Organizers at:


For further information about WATEF and past DISCs:  (English only)


(We will have updates about our website and other conference information on social media very soon. If you want to stay up-to-date on DISC2021 let us know via this form at