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[7/7 14:00-]Policy Intervention for Loneliness and Social Isolation towards Reducing Health Disparities: Implications from Social Epidemiology
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(日本語) 【3/19】筑波大学人文社会系主催シンポジウム「科学技術と法学がもたらす熟議民主主義の実現―新しい法学の創成に向けて」
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【Sep. 9】A02-Research Group 03, 4th Workshop 「Thebes under Amenhotep III」
The Research Group 02 is organizing an international symposium titled, “Urban Landscape and Structure in Ancient Egypt" on Monday, 9th September.
We look forward to your participation!
Date:9th Sep. 2019 (Mon.), 13:30 - 16:40
Place:Waseda University, Toyama Campus Building 36, Room 682 (Map)
13:30-13:40 Welcome Speech
SESSION 1: Amenhotep III and the Theban Temples
Betsy M. Bryan (The Johns Hopkins University, USA)
“Amenhotep III and the Mut...
【Mar. 3】International symposium “Regular/irregular structural changes and the future of employment — A comparison of Japan and Germany”
The following international symposium will be held on March 3rd at the University of Tsukuba Tokyo campus.
We look forward to your participation.
Time:3rd march 2019 (Sun.), 14:00 - 17:00
Place:Room 119, University of Tsukuba Tokyo campus.
Poster (PDF)
(日本語) 【2/16】⽇本語・⽇本事情遠隔教育拠点 シンポジウム2019「未来志向の日本語教育」のお知らせ
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【Mar. 16-17】The International Symposium “Cultural dialogue and translation and adaptation”

The International Symposium "Cultural dialogue and translation and adaptation" will be held at the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies on March 16 (Fri.) to 17 (Sat.).
We look forward to your participation.
Date:16th - 17th March 2018 (Fri. - Sat.)
Place:Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies
Program (PDF)
【Dec. 1】TSUKUBA index Web Release Commemoration Symposium
The “ICR Research Month” is organised every year at the University of Tsukuba in order to disseminate research outcomes from Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences starting last year. We hold symposiums, lectures, and workshops during the research month; the purpose of which is to widely disseminate results of research in humanities and social sciences field which are difficult to see normally but are greatly solicited by society. This year too, we held 24 events mainly in November. With a ...