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(日本語) PDF公開:『筑波大学ICRと人文社会系の研究活動 2013年~2017年度報告書』
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(日本語) 【2020/3/5】ICR SDGsセミナーのお知らせ 「『共通言語』としてのSDGs 岡山大学の経験から」
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【Feb.21】C01-Research Group 05’s 14th Workshop
The Research Group 05 (Historical research on the urban structure of West Asian "Islamic cities") is organizing the following workshop.
We look forward to your participation!
Date:21st Feb 2020 (Fri.), 15:00-18:00
Venue:Seminar Room 1, Main Building, Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University(Map)
Lecture 1:Carlo Cereti(Sapienza University of Rome)
“The Paikuli Project: Researches on Narseh's Monument and Inscription in Iraqi Kurdistan”
Lecture ...
(日本語) 【2/3】ICR SDGsセミナーのお知らせ 「アジアの不平等を考える」
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【Feb.3】A02-Research Group 02’s 12th workshop
The Research Group 02 (“Urban landscape and functions of ancient West Asia”) is organizing the following workshop.
We look forward to your participation!
Date:3rd Feb 2020 (Mon.), 13:00 - 14:30
Venue:Room 108, Laboratory of Advanced Research B, University of Tsukuba(J-6 in the Map)
Speaker:Sanae Ito(Sophia University)
Title:「アッシリア帝国の市書記 tupšar āli」
Poster (PDF)
※No booking r...
【Jan.24】A02-Research Group 02’s 11th workshop
The Research Group 02 ("Urban landscape and functions of ancient West Asia") is organizing the following workshop.
We look forward to your participation!
Date:24th Jan 2020 (Fri.), 12:30-18:30
Venue:Room 557, Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba (Access)
Hirotoshi Numoto(Kokushikan University)
Daisuke Shibata(University of Tsukuba)
【Feb.19】C01- Research Group 05’s 13th Workshop
The research Group 05 (Historical research on the urban structure of West Asian "Islamic cities") is organizing the following workshop.
We look forward to your participation!
Date:19th Feb 2020 (Wed.), 9:30 - 17:30
Venue:Conference Room, Faculty of Laws & Letters (Hōbun) Bldg. 2, Hongo CampusThe University of Tokyo (No.31 on the Map)
Opening Remarks:
Tomoko Morikawa(The University of Tokyo)
Seiro HARUTA(Tokai University)
【Jan. 24】A01-Research Group 01’s 10th workshop
The Research Group 01 (Subsistence Economy and Social Structures in Prehistoric West Asia) is organizing the following workshop.
We look forward to your participation!
Date: 25th Jan 2020 (Sat.), 15:00-17:00
Place: Room 121, Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba (Access)
Speaker: Fiona Pichon(JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Tsukuba)
Title: Use-wear analysis of lithic tools from Dja’ de el-Mughara:
Technical activities and cultural traditions during the EPPNB in the Northern...
【Nov. 21】A01-Research Group 01’s 9th workshop
The Research Group 01 (Subsistence Economy and Social Structures in Prehistoric West Asia) is organizing the following workshop.
We look forward to your participation!
Date:21st Dec 2019 (Sat.), 15:00-17:00
Venue:University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus. Room 122( Access)
Hitomi Hongo(The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
「ジャルモ出土動物骨(2018 年)概報」
Osamu Maeda(University of Tsukuba)