[Publication] Special numbers for the Academic journal TIPA: “Discours en conflit et conflit en discours” – CNRS Laboratore Parole et Langage (LPL), Aix-en-Provecne (France)

Our Core Researcher Dr.Tsuyoshi KIDA (Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba) and Dr.Laura-Anca PAREPA (former JSPS research fellow, University of Tsukuba) were invited as Guest Editors by the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (The French National Center for Scientific Research) (CNRS)’s Laboratories Parole et Langage (University of Provence, Aix-en-Provence). The Laboratory published a special number related to conflict discourse in the Journal Travaux interdisciplinaires sur la parole et le langage (Interdisciplinary works on speech and language) (TIPA). The current issue (TIPA 33) continues and develops the topic initiated by the Guest Editors in the previous journal (TIPA 32) (https://tipa.revues.org/1527). Seven contributors tackle conflict discourse in different institutional contexts, such as media, court, politics and religion.


The journal details are as follows:

“Discours en conflit et conflit en discours. Contextes institutionnels (Discourse in conflict and conflict in discourse: institutional contexts)”

Laboratoire Parole et Langage (UMR 7309 – CNRS – AMU) Travaux interdisciplinaires sur la parole et le langage (TIPA) No. 33 Guest Editors: Laura-Anca Parepa & Tsuyoshi Kida



– Laura-Anca Parepa & Tsuyoshi Kida / Éditorial

– Alessandra Rollo / Échange polémique et contre-discours en italien. Quelques considérations sur les mécanismes langagiers et les stratégies discursives dans l’interaction conflictuelle (Polemical exchange and counter-discourse in Italian: reflections on linguistic mechanisms and discourse strategies in conflictual communication)

– Nathalie Garric & Michel Goldberg / La séquence agonale comme procédé de la conflictualité médiatique (The agonal statement: a process of the media conflict)

– Rubens Damasceno-Morais / La gestion du désaccord lors des délibérations en cours d’appel : la politesse stratégique (Managing disagreement in a tribunal: the strategic politeness)

– Alena L. Vasilyeva / The Role of References in Custody Mediation

– Pascale Asmar / La formule « l’armée, le peuple et la Résistance ». Un coup de force linguistique et politique (The formula “the army, the people and the Resistance”: A linguistic and political coup de force)

– Laura-Anca Parepa / Rebuilding national unity through discourse in China: strategic narrative and concordance

– Mohamed Saki / Conflict, consensus and dissensus in two open letters: A Common Word between Us and You and“A Common Word”Christian Response


See also: Travaux interdisciplinaires sur la parole et le langage (TIPA) No. 32

“Conflit en discours et discours en conflit : approches linguistiques et communicatives (Discourse in conflict and conflict in discourse: Linguistic and communicative approaches)”

Guest Editors: Tsuyoshi Kida & Laura-Anca Parepa



– Tsuyoshi Kida & Laura-Anca Parepa / Éditorial

– Alena L. Vasilyeva / Interpersonal-Communication and Language-and-Social-Interaction Approaches to Studying Conflict

– Mohamadou Ousmanou / Intonation et formulation d’un discours polémique sur la question des droits de l’homme (Intonation and formulation of a controversial discourse on the issue of human rights)

– Charlotte Kouklia / Approches méthodologiques pour l’étude de la parole expressive en politique. Analyses perceptives d’extraits d’un débat conflictuel, le conseil municipal de Montreuil en 2013 (Methodological approaches to the phonetic study of conflict-ridden political debates: Perceptive analysis of expressive speech extracted from Montreuil’s City Council in 2013)

– Gilbert Willy Tio Babena & Noussaïba Adamou / L’homme politique face à ses dires : peut-on ravaler la salive crachée ? (Confronting a politician with his speech)

– Naomi Truan / « Les citations doivent être exactes ! » Pratiques polémiques de la citation au parlement (“Quotations must be correct!” Controversial Quoting Practices at the Parliament)