We received a greeting from international tenure track member Assistant Professor Kubota as he arrived in his new post.
Hello! I am Yusuke Kubota. I have been working as ICR international tenure track member since this August. My research is theoretical linguistics which mainly targeted Japanese and English. I have been doing my research mainly at University of Ohio in US where I received my Ph.D. It will be 10 years since I decided to study linguistics specially and entered graduate school in US. It’s about time I would start missing Japan and at that very moment I was elected as an international tenure track member luckily. Taking this opportunity, I am thinking of make the full use of my experiences and research networks overseas and contribute to transmission of researches from Japan to the world. I assume there aren’t any former examples of research centers in humanities and social sciences like ICR in Japan. I feel something like a change of tide in the research circumstances of universities in Japan. I will do my best in my research and try to heighten University of Tsukuba’s level of awareness.